Odysseus in Space

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Materiály doplňují a rozšiřují informace, které zazněly v tomto vysílání. Umožňují vám samostudium tématu do hloubky, pokud máte chuť a čas.

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Become someone who appreciates space for its data richness, moral questions it poses humanity, and find historical parallels with the world we live in now in order to better understand the state of our society of how we can strive to make it better through the use of technology. Show more…

The theme of space is everywhere now. Colonisation of Mars, flights to the moon, new internet infrastructure with Starlink, Dragon docking at ISS being watched by the entire world in a similar manner to people going to see a new blockbuster in cinema. But the colonisation of space, the New Frontier, poses technological challenges, philosophical, moral, and even unprecedented legal questions. Much like Odysseus once traversed the unknown, humanity is on the brink of a new era.

Why should I watch the episode?

Rather than to just become another space fan, become someone who appreciates space for its data richness, moral questions it poses humanity, and find historical parallels with the world we live in now in order to better understand the state of our society of how we can strive to make it better through the use of technology.

Hear this from the perspective of one of the most prominent space-influencers in central Europe as well as someone who deals with such cool stuff as government and defence in a space startup.

What will be my take-home value?

  • Find out about latest space technological developments.
  • Gain perspective on hard questions, like ‘is law relevant in space? Why?’.
  • What expanding to other worlds means for humanity.

Who are the guests?

Jakub Brož

Jakub Brož is a Program Manager leading the Defense & Intelligence porfolio at SpaceKnow. He is a deep-dive oriented space project manager and researcher experienced in R&D management, work-package leadership, cross-functional collaborations, innovation development, system engineering, academic research & analysis as well as institutional and B2B relations development. He is highly capable of building relationships with end-users, industry, government officials, subject-matter experts, and academia as well as successfully coordinating and managing cross-functional teams.

Apart from his current focus on Remote Sensing, Earth Observation and Machine Learning, Jakub is continuously broadening his knowledge in Astrobiology, Planetary Science and Space Mission Design.

Jan Lukačevič

Jan Lukačevič is Space Engineer & PhD Student, NATO2030 Young Leader, New Europe 100 Challenger. His mission is to utilise his skills, knowledge & experience in order to develop space technologies that both push the boundaries of human knowledge and improve daily lives of people on the Planet Earth. Working in an international environment enables him to be open-minded, curious and willing to make the most out of the differences we all have as human beings.

Sara Polak

67 min | 29. 3. 2021 | Show: Deus ex machina

Kompetence: Gramotnost v nových médiích, Společnost a kultura

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