Developing Resilient Leaders
Module 02 Remote work + work effectively
12 Tips to Help You Work From Home Successfully
Every remote worker faces unique challenges, from distractions that are unusually hard to avoid to increasingly complex responsibilities at home that make it challenging to find a healthy work-life balance. The good news? The amazing benefits of remote work make the effort you put into overcoming any work-from-home obstacles more than worth your time.
The particular aspects of remote work mean that you’ll have to do some planning ahead to work from home successfully. By developing a few good habits and following some key suggestions, you can work through any work-from-home challenges that come your way. Check out these 12 tips to help you find success when working remotely!
1. Communicate Proactively
When you’re not in the same office as your boss and teammates, you need to take your communication skills to the next level. Use email, phone calls, video calls, online chat software, and whatever other tools you have at your disposal. Ask when and how people want to hear from you, and follow those preferences. Be prepared to over-communicate to ensure you and your team members are collaborating effectively, and your manager knows your priorities.
2. Clarify Expectations
Clarifying expectations starts by having frequent and transparent conversations with your boss and coworkers, making sure you know what they expect you to accomplish and when. Continue to manage expectations as you proceed with projects and tasks, providing updates and asking for clarification as needed. When you’ve met your deadline, ask for feedback to make sure you did what you needed to do. This will help you build trust and ensure that you and your teammates are on the same page.
3. Set Office Hours and Stick to Them
Decide what your regular work hours will be and inform your boss and colleagues of your schedule. Then do all you can to follow it. Your coworkers need to know when you’ll be available for work tasks and meetings, and when you’re clocked out and on personal time. Creating a set schedule also makes it more likely that you won’t consistently work long hours, which will support your overall work-life balance.
4. Dress for the Job
As tempting as it may be, resist the urge to stay in your PJs all day long and dress for work every day. Not only will you want to look professional on video meetings, but getting dressed in the morning puts your brain in “work” mode.
5. Structure Your Days
To work from home successfully, you’ll need to plan out and structure your days so the hours don’t get away from you. Create to-do lists, set goals, and come up with a daily schedule, complete with breaks and times when you’ll be able to focus on deep work. Depending on your specific job, you may even want to break your day up into chunks of time dedicated to different tasks (i.e., 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., respond to emails; 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., work on project #1). The more structure you can build into your remote working days, the less likely you’ll be sidetracked.
6. Create Dedicated Office Space
When you set up a home office space that is specifically for your work and nothing else, you’ll inevitably have fewer distractions. Find a room (or a closet!) in your home that isn’t used for anything else, and turn that into your very own work area. Of course, when your office is in your home, you also have the freedom to switch it up once in a while to create a cool, new workspace that keeps it interesting.
Remote work statistic
7. Use Task Lists and Time Management Tools
With no manager hovering over your shoulder asking for updates, you may find it easy to get distracted or spend too long on a particular task or project. Create and use daily task lists, noting what you hope to accomplish and how long it should take. Seek out other time management tools, as necessary, to keep you on track and ensure that you meet your deadlines.
8. Take Breaks
Without the rhythm of an office around you, it’s easy to get in a groove and forget to take a lunch break or stretch your legs with a quick walk. If necessary, set an alarm to remind you to take occasional breaks. You’ll find this helps you focus and keeps you refreshed so you can be the most effective and efficient worker possible.
9. Avoid Personal Tasks
To be a good remote employee, it’s essential to not let household to-dos take over your schedule. Sure, throwing in a load of laundry during a work break is fine, but make sure you don’t let miscellaneous household tasks dictate your workday. Not only will they ultimately extend your day past your regular work hours, but the constant interruptions will impede your productivity and performance.
10. Exercise Regularly
Whether you go for a run or walk during your lunch break or schedule an online yoga session to end your workday, keeping a regular exercise routine will help you combat the sedentary lifestyle that remote work can lead to.
11. Create a Strong Support System
Working remotely can lead to loneliness and isolation, but staying connected while working from home helps keep these feelings at bay. Until the pandemic is over, your only interaction during the workday may be virtual, but that’s OK! Virtual coffee breaks and lunches, interactive happy hours, and post-work Zoom meetings with friends can keep you feeling a part of a community.
12. Plan Occasional In-Person Meetings with Team Members
While online communication tools will help you build strong virtual bonds, it’s hard to replace face-to-face conversations. Meeting with your coworkers and manager in person won’t always be possible. But when things get back to normal, it’s useful to schedule quick meet-ups with local team members and attend any offsite retreats that your company offers.

Develop online
There are 4 recommended videos for each module to help you get inspiration on the topic and learn something new. Once a week? All at once? Choose your own pace.
Watch - Learn and - Enjoy!
Click the picture to open video in the new tab
For each module there are 5 practical challenges related to module topic. You can complete one, two, or all of them - it's up to you. Through practical involvement and sharing you will strengthen your competence in the specific topic.
Try - Practice - Share and - Enjoy!
01 The main enemy of creativity is common sense
Are you and your team tired of routine tasks? Or do you find yourself unable to invent new things? Step out of your everyday activities and try something completely different for a while.
Organise the following exercise for your team: within 10 minutes, the group(s) must think of as many ways as possible to use something (old newspapers, unused pizza boxes, etc.). Then discuss the ideas together and maybe even choose the best ones. This exercise will warm up the group and reduce their inhibitions about sayin out loud their ideas. Share your team best ideas in the MS Teams channel.

02 Test your digital skills
Digital skills are important not only for work but also in your personal life. For example, it helps improve productivity, access to information, effective communication and, last but not least, innovation. Use the online quiz to test your level of digital skills and identify the areas you would like to improve.
How to do it:
- Go to https://europa.eu/europass/digitalskills/screen/home - you can choose from all European languages and it takes about 25 minutes
- By taking this test you will learn more about your level of digital skills and ways to improve
- Based on the results, think about which area is key for you. And what you can do to improve in it
- Share your learnings in the MS Teams channel.

03 Today do not write, but dic(g)tate
Dictating text into your mobile phone or PC can be much more convenient than typing by hand. You don't have to concentrate on writing and can dictate text when you're on the go or when your hands are full. Try it out today. Instead of typing, dic(g)tate!
Tips on how to do it:
- Look for the microphone icon in the app you want to use to communicate so you can dictate text. Check the text and correct any mistakes
- In the Teams app, you can send voice messages straight away
- You can also try app like https://www.beey.io/en/
- Share your experience in the MS Teams channel.

04 Create a video invitation
Each invitation should have a clear agenda so that attendees know that if they attend the meeting they will use their time effectively. However, there is no need to share the agenda in a boring textual way. Find and try out a simple tool to prepare a video invitation for your next invitation.
How to do it:
- Customize the video invitation. Are you doing an informal meeting with your team? Then use your mobile phone to film your invitation. Or are you planning a demo with the team? Then film short demos of what you'll be showing at the meeting.
- Google suitable tools or ask colleagues which have more experience with it
- You can complete the task in 10 minutes or play around with it - it is up to you
- Share your invitation in the MS Teams channel.

05 Try digital tools in an online meeting
There are many ways to improve an online meeting and increase productivity and efficiency. Try to find a digital tool that can help you or your team improve the online meetings you or your team have planned.
Tips on how to do the task:
- Are you planning a meeting? Ideally for a large number of participants? First, get clear on what type of meeting it is and what the goal is. Then think about how you could improve the meeting using digital tools.
- Do some research on what the possibilities are. Google it. Ask colleagues...
- Choose a tool suitable for the meeting and try it out in practice.
- Try to incorporate interactive elements such as polls, surveys and questionnaires that can be useful for engaging meeting participants. These elements can also help get feedback and improve productivity.
- Did you and the meeting participants like the new format? Great! Didn't like it? Great lesson learned. Anyway, share your learnings from the new experience.
Share your experience in the MS Teams channel.

06 Change your habits
How to to keep track of your day to day habits and routines? Does it happen to you that you start something and then it kind of fizzles out? Try it with digital support - there are many apps to support you. Download the app, upload your habbit you want to start and share it with your colleauges from all countries.
Here are tips for some apps: Habit Tracker, Habitify, Habitica, Way of Life, or find your own