in cooperation with

Digital Safari

10. 10. 2024

08:45 - 09:00 Panorama hotel

50.049418435731496, 14.438282297329732

09:00 - 09:30 Transport to next location

Jungle Challenge

  • Why: Digitalisation will most likely influence every part of our lives. Are we observant enough to spot it?

  • What: Find a place or situation on the way that would benefit from digital or technology solution. How would you improve it?

  • When are you done: Send a photo per team of the place with 1 sentence description to the teams group

Habitat Challenge

  • Why: Individual, team, company or even societal level of the transformation are important to bear in mind

  • What: Find 1 country which is considered as "great with digitalisation". What was their approach to it?

  • When are you done: Send 1 photo per team of the place that reminds you of that country and share (to the Teams group) top 1-3 things that helped them on the journey

09:30 - 10:30 Kampus Hybernská

50.08714032717256, 14.429832367154855

10:30 - 11:00 Transport to next location

Equilibrium Challenge

  • Why: There is no such thing as Digital Transformation. It is a change of work, life, relationships... simply change for people at different stages of their life. 

  • What: Try to avoid digital exclusion. Can you make it happen so older, younger, conservative, progressive... all people at Mattoni will be able to benefit from digital era?

  • When are you done: Share to the Teams channel TOP 3 things you as a group want to start, continue, improve or stop doing.

Exploration Challenge

  • Why: Digitalisation has started long ago. Can we even spot the difference and what it brought?

  • What: We live in the age where old and new meet very frequently. Find a place or situation that mixes it.

  • When are you done: Share a picture to the Teams channel that contains examples of the old world and the new one close to each other. Add 1 sentence explanation.

11:00 - 12:00 Carl Data Company

50.083528243594635, 14.421566768495886

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch & Transport to next location

Night life Challenge

  • Why: Digitalisation helps and hinders in so many different ways. What if we lost something we rely on - our voice... 

  • What: Find a way to get lunch with no words. You can use hands, apps, ordering systems.

  • When are you done: Share a photo of your team having lunch "hunted" without a single word said.

Mobility Challenge

  • Why: Speed and flexibility thanks to decentralisation is something digitalisation brings for sure. Can you leverage it?

  • What: Use at least 3 means of transport as a team to get to the last location. Will you make it on time?

  • When are you done: You share at least 3 photos as a team to Teams of digitally or technologically interesting situations from your journey. Be creative :)

14:00 - 17:00 Virtuplex

50.125503913505575, 14.621840051452269

17:00 End of the day